The KNUST Faculty of Law has therefore begun legal training for health professionals in the country.
Welcoming you to our website is not only exciting for me but equally nostalgic since in 2003 as fresh graduate from the professional law school I found myself becoming a pioneer lecturer at KNUST Faculty of Law. It is pertinent that you are told a very important story which could be conveniently be titled “Speaking the Unspeakable”. Many years providing legal education or pursuing same I Ghana was unthinkable unless one chose to reside in Accra the capital city. In July, 2003 all that myth exploded into thin air when the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology made the conscious effort to establish a full blown Faculty of Law in Kumasi, the 2nd largest city in Ghana. KNUST eminently carved an enviable niche for itself by commencing the African premier science and technology oriented Faculty of Law nearly two decades ago. The interface between law, science and technology provides numerous prospects and challenges from regulatory perspective. Through our KNUST Faculty of Law have come Ministers and deputy of Minsters of State, numerous judges, celebrated legal academics teaching in various universities across Ghana and some universities around the world, captains of industry, entrepreneurs, public servants, and incredibly accomplished lawyers who practice throughout the nation and across the world.